Formular zur Widerrufsbelehrung

Model withdrawal form

According to recent right the consumer has to be informed about the withdrawal form before placing his order. Not to be confused with the withdrawal declaration and needs to be used independently of the declaration. Furhtermore the withdrawal form has to be provided to the consumer on a durable medium. It is appropriate to place this form beneath the withdrawal declaration so that the counsumer receives the withdrawal declaration and the withdrawal form in one document.

madeone GmbH
Cassellastrasse 30-32
60386 Frankfurt am Main

by fax to:
or by email to:

I/ We* revoke the concluded me/ us contract for the purchase of the following products/ the provision of the following service*.


Order date*/ received date*

Name of the consumer

Address of the consumer

Signature of the consumer (only required for communication on paper)


* Please remove if not applicable.